Harp and Violin for sale
(too old to reply)
G & I McPherson
2004-11-23 04:28:30 UTC
29 string harp, fully-levered and violin with case and bow. Both
instruments were handmade in Mississauga, Ontario by luthier, Bob
Allan. Information and pictures at
G & I McPherson
2004-11-24 01:25:28 UTC
Post by G & I McPherson
29 string harp, fully-levered and violin with case and bow. Both
instruments were handmade in Mississauga, Ontario by luthier, Bob
Allan. Information and pictures at
Howdy folks,

Hope the last message wasn't directed this way...this is not a
commercial ad. We really are homeschoolers, and we are selling these
instruments privately. We do have our business website listed above,
but are simply using it for convenience. There is no link from our
business site to the page listed. Does that clear things up? :)
