new to homeschooling
(too old to reply)
Cathy Stidham
2004-09-16 01:42:33 UTC
I am recently divorced and I want to homeschool my two children but I am not
sure on how to do it. Since I am newly divorced, I dont know if there any
laws about custody and homeschooling. As to that, I dont know where to even
begin. If there is anyone that has been through it then please let me
know. Kitty
Bill Rogers
2004-09-16 12:01:59 UTC
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 20:42:33 -0500, "Cathy Stidham"
Post by Cathy Stidham
I am recently divorced and I want to homeschool my two children but I am not
sure on how to do it. Since I am newly divorced, I dont know if there any
laws about custody and homeschooling. As to that, I dont know where to even
begin. If there is anyone that has been through it then please let me
know. Kitty
Well, you did ask ...

It does not sound like your children are off to a good start. You may
find resources on materials, but should also have (i) the prerequisite
background knowledge in all of the subject areas, and a firm plan of
how to approach the topics of each subject.

It also sounds like you need to sort out your own life first. Where
will your children be while you are doing that and learning the
material and how to teach it? Some [a few] should teach at home.
Some simply should not. Some need time to adjust. I suggest that
puts you in the latter category for the time being at least. Do your
children a big favour and leave them in the public school system until
you have a very firm grasp of what to do and what you are capable of
doing for them. Even a veteran teacher must have a firm plan of
action and a firm grasp of the subject, or the students will suffer
immediately and greatly, and especially in the long run.

Also, and I am serious about this, ask yourself if you are really
doing this for them or for yourself; it's their future you are
considering. You have given no concrete reasons as to why you prefer
to homeschool, such as the fact that you are more knowledgeable than
the public school teachers in your district, just that you are
divorced. That is not a good reason. My own would be that I can do a
better job in a healthier environment ...for them.

